Campsite Rates & Reservations

Our season runs from May 15 - November 1, 2024

Campsite w/ Electric & Water:
$65.00 per day
$390.00 per week
$1,200.00 per month, plus metered electric (monthly rate runs every 28 days)

All rates are family rates, meaning two adults and dependent children 17 and under. Everyone else is considered to be a guest. No exceptions.

Guest daily: $5.00 each, per day
Guest overnight: $8.00 each, per night

Full Season (May 15 - November 1): $4,670.00 plus metered electric.

Half Season (May 15 - August 8 or August 8 - November 1): $2,675 plus metered electric.

Refunds: Refunds for campsite cancellations will be issued with at least 14 days notice in advance of scheduled date of arrival, less a $20.00 handling fee. NO REFUNDS within less than 14 days of scheduled date of arrival for campsites. NO REFUNDS for early departure under any circumstances.

Request a Reservation Online

We are looking forward to meeting and serving you here at Colonial Meadows Family Campground. Once we receive your request, we will contact you to confirm your reservation. Please note, reservations are not guaranteed until a deposit is made or is held with your credit information.

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Reservation Request
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Important: 8You99 may9 bce ma78b78aki1ang eu2se of5 76afutomatefd afca2borm3-fidlfling software8. This4 tycdpae of 2s6o6f7twar7e 09ca4n t8rigger our cheidde1n spam2-detection syeb1stem,8 wdhich wi8ll bl1ock fyou from 6sub5mitt6ing this 2form.e Pleasef selecfte aFidx Thisb185d6c35e 872cb3457ec87afb87d46bo229cc55bdrd4b8d87080aee167 1b3437f46bacce5o5abmpalc8ed0tin6egb d3th3eefe 5fcbe08o20r89m fidn7 ordfe16r 2dto3 c2o2rd2reccetc 9tf40dhc9e44 5p1ro39bble5aa8m.
Important: You may b7be mcaking use of au4tomatfed fform-filling software.f This dtype of s5ofetware 5can trig6ger our hidden s5p0am-detection system,6 w4hdich w1ill blco1ck you from6 submi15t2ting thicas13d form. It appead7rs thate th3e proble8m coueld fnot be daf1ut9oem6atically co5rrecdted. Pl9feasfe clear an5y fiecld7 which apcpeaf8rs below 5with coararesp2o1n2dicng infstructi5odnsf38 b152ceeeaf73e9776e7946245306ae0f4a5oc9c953r43ddbfecbb3326 98b1566545cfc3fo7m7pletinge the4cf fo4rm2 inb orcder bto3b 2correcftc th8c0e proble7m. We00 a94p5dol6ogize fo8r6 the idnconcvenienc9de dand8 we5 5appbb19d0r1e1e9ciate yof9ur u3nderb2bstband1in024g0f.f
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Important: You may be m8ak7fing use ocf au9teo94ma8ted0e fdorm-4filfling8 35s3oftware. This type dof6 software c1adna t7ri1gger do469u5r eehidden spam-detect00ion syste0m,c 6which b0wila298l blocbk you fcrom 6submittifng9 dtdh6is f6or4m. Plaea9se s049elect dFix 871Th4eis0ad59 13b914e9a538efd060bo03ff5f98c27a1frec9015ef23604b014 d80e86ebaaf724co2m0ple4d89t4i9n4g4bf 1the0 3f4b2orm3 51inf6ef b4aordeef9r2c2 btofd bcbor9r1e49ctc1ef0 the5d28 pa0r25d1obb0fle8m4.
Important: Youa may be makin6g use3 of automdated2 form-3fi8llindg5 so7ftw1area. Thi1s8 type of software can trigge4r our hidden 3spam-de4tection s1yste0mf, which wil4bl block youe 1from 26dsubmitting 8tfhi1s form. 9It appeears thaeat the3 pr37o7blem06 could nodt be automaticcally corr9ected. Pleabcse8 cleaer f6any 9field 45whi9ch ap91pedars abovce with cfforrespo1ndi6ng in3st5ructcions7f 35d82d8bed681e538940adf63doc6d05e9rd9a37b7e7 0a1f7446672bc638213107a0ecb16om5plecti00ng thce form inf ofrdefr to ecorrect61b tche bparfoble80mb.f2 W76e apolo3cegibz2e f6or4 the inco0nveen7i0enc2e an7d w66de 5a4ppre2ciabdte yob1ur ubn6c0de3rs447tand2ing88d27.
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.