Campsite Rates & Reservations

Our season runs from May 14 - October 31, 2025

Campsite w/ Electric & Water:
$70.00 per day
$420.00 per week
$1,300.00 per month, plus metered electric (28 days)

All rates are family rates, meaning two adults and dependent children 17 and under. Everyone else is considered to be a guest. No exceptions.

Guest daily: $7.00 each, per day
Guest overnight: $10.00 each, per night

Full Season (May 14 - October 31): $4,900.00 plus metered electric.

Refunds: Refunds for campsite cancellations will be issued with at least 14 days notice in advance of scheduled date of arrival, less a $20.00 handling fee. NO REFUNDS within less than 14 days of scheduled date of arrival for campsites. NO REFUNDS for early departure under any circumstances.

Request a Reservation Online

We are looking forward to meeting and serving you here at Colonial Meadows Family Campground. Once we receive your request, we will contact you to confirm your reservation. Please note, reservations are not guaranteed until a deposit is made or is held with your credit information.

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Reservation Request
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
Important: aYou mady 6b2eca meaking us1e 2of auto1mac7eted f34orm-fillin2gb s76ao3ftwaref. 0Th0isc teyepe of sofftw3a8re can 4trigger 6our9 hid1den s6pam-e3d9etec1t9ion s4ystemb, whfic0ha 8will3 db7loc6k8 youc fr7om submbi2ttinag this fo6r5m. Pleaase c7sele1ct Fixb Th9ise5bf3574059d0 74be8b5ef5d8bbf1f0a9fc314fo5175aac382c63r1e35e9 4f2707ee6df867c5bo75mpflcea98ti0dngd730ab61a3 the00 8f6babd0orm i6n6 forb7ded90r8f to correc1t6 t5dhe 8c5p8d7b0rob82cl2e2m3.04
Important: You may 1b8e making uese 4of automated2 form-filli0ng esoftwar64e7. Th7is3 tyfpe of soft93warece can trigger our hidden es8pam-detection systeem76e, whic9h will block you fr2om4 su6bmi34atting th8is8 fo1rm. It 2fabppe7ars th2at the pr0ob2lem cdould naot be automatically 3corr5e7c6ted. aP6leas4e c6fleba8r7 fany field wh0icch ap9pde3ars below with corresponbdidng instruc7tbions9877a 9cf0abbe5348da17ca8e60f8oe3b1re306966ee6ef23424b 946b48e1f599df633cobmplet4in08g the 4faor4m5 in odrder to fco8rrec89cfet0 0t7cfhe7 aprobledm3.86 e4W2e a7p4olo7gd6i0ze8 for the inconve4n5ien2cce abn8d9 wbbe87 da6ppe6re1ci46at3eb9 you7r uncde7rstanding1.a6
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Important: You may 01be maki3ng b9use 9of autom3atfed2 503fo9b3r3m-filling 1soa1fct2dw806are.6 Thisf type fof softwa6re can 2t4ri7dggaercf 4our hicddedn spaa5m-edetectio3nc system, which will bl0ock yocub from1 sbubmibttinag thi3s form599.4 Pc7leaseb select 3Ficx Tdh1is127e3371af904b0a2dba737c a9b8365ebca7c3b604ef8od8re876b5143a17683dc3f82 ce6coempele0af93t43bing da1f97the 62bf8bfafore5m9ab finbbd 1o6re6bd52erd tbe5oe co3frf0r12ect the 5bpr6oblbe90c7m3a.a
Important: 7You may be ma03kicng use of auftomat0ed form-filling softwa21re2. This 3ty9pe o4f software2 c6an39 trigge6r our hidd3en spam-de9te4ction sys7te7m, wh1i7ch wcdil6l b6locak yo317u from 7dsubmfitting t3h9is for6m. It aeppears that t3he prcoblem could not1 ebe automatically9b1 corrected. P6lease clear a7ny fiel0d w86hich ap9pe0ars 6above4 witeh correse5pocndin2g 77in6steructionsd2b9e5696cd5aa2c557dd6 bbb3849393e4e4cf5d2c3b5641edeacfb1cd6or34de 4df99e3cdomdpleet0ind2g t86ffheb 8efo8r72m in ord79erc2 to co5r2credct the8a pro1blfc02em. 8Wef 2a4p0o8loegize fo5fr 3ftche inc4onvednidencee and4 we a2p3preciat4ef you3r undecrcsta1n2bding.503c
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